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Fifth and Sixth grade supply list


June 6, 2013

Dear Families,

                     Hello and welcome to 5th and 6th grade! We are looking forward to a wonderful year with all of you!  For the fifth graders, the schedule will be different from what you have experienced in the past.  The 5th and 6th grade uses a departmentalized model in which each teacher focuses on one core subject.  Students change classes for math, science, social studies and English Language Arts.   

     We will be studying many new concepts this year as well as practicing skills your child has already learned. We strongly encourage your child to memorize the multiplication table, as we will be testing students shortly after they return to school.

                     We have included a list of required materials below:

•·         5 1" width binders (No Trapper Keepers or zippered binders, please.)

•·         5 single subject notebooks

•·         5 pocket folders

•·         Each subject will be colored coordinated. Please get yellow for math, blue for science, green for social studies, red for ELA and black for morning work.

•·         Pencils and blue or black pens only

•·         Highlighters

•·         Filler paper for each binder

•·         5-6 subject dividers for each binder

•·         Reinforcement stickers for filler paper

•·         Crayons, markers, or colored pencils

•·         Scissors

•·         Glue or glue-stick

•·         Dictionary/Thesaurus

               The school will be providing a homework assignment book for recording important due dates.

                     Also, before school begins, please discuss with your child what he/she should do in the event of an early dismissal. It is important to be prepared in case of an emergency.

               If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss, please call us at 734-3400.


Looking forward to a great year,

Ms. Kammerer          Mrs. Mattice             Mrs. Higgins               Mr. Hoyt